Current results
Average time for the real time detection and classification : 45 ms per frame (23fps).
Working with 8 categories :
- Nephrops,
- Munida,
- Fish (general class as we still lack species-specific annotations),
- Shrimps,
- Pennatulacea,
- Actiniaria,
- Crinoidea.
Two cases
Selectivity inside the trawl (extension) :
- catch everything and sort species in the extension,
- Study case : pelagic trawls.
Selectivity in front of the trawl :
- Let enter only the species of interest,
- reduce the impact on seafloor,
- Study case : Bottom trawls targeting Nephrops.
Selectivity inside the trawl (extension)
Camera and actuators installed in the extension to recognize and sort fish.
(Ifremer Lorient Test Basin Tests)

Selectivity inside the trawl (extension)
Camera and actuators in the extension to sort fish.

Real-time catch data of the fishermen
The objective will be to provide data on the catch in real time on the bridge so that the fisherman can see what is caught in relation to what was targeted. This information in real time will make it possible to interrupt a fishing operation in the event of too large a catch of non-target species.